Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Today is Weigh in day...

To date I've lost 43.8lbs... last week I had a 1.8lb gain which I think was a lot of water weight. I've been hitting the gym hard.. eating has been on track with a few slips here and there but nothing excessive. My body is changing, I'm wearing a new dress today.. that is ... wait for it..  A SIZE SMALLER!!! I'm super excited about that but it's also giving me the desire to keep going.. today.. I think I will be down to a total of 48lbs.. fingers crossed.. that is sooo close to 50lbs.  Then my next goal will be 75 then 100... I figure if I think about it in 25lb increments then it won't feel so overwhelming.

For breakfast I had coffee, oatmeal and a banana. I have a Healthy Choice entree for lunch.. and I'm going to grill chicken for dinner tonight. I'm excited ... still excited after 6 months in.

Talk you later!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Since my brother called me out...

I have not posted in a while, I feel like I've been really struggling with staying on track. Well... after coming back from vacation that is. It's hard when you're the only one who is trying to make good decisions about what you eat. I've been back and forth since I've been back for a week. I really focused today and I went to the gym yesterday.. .remembering this is a life change not a diet! I will be back later to update more