Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 2

So this morning started off interesting. I LOOOOVE the chicken biscuits from Quicktrip... yes I know Quicktrip but they are really good. So this morning I go and walk right past it.. WOO HOO... then of course I'm tempted with the different flavors of cappuccino. I thought, ok I'll just get a regular coffee and find a low fat creamer... I need to write to someone at the Quicktrip head quarters... THEY DON'T HAVE LOW FAT CREAMER!!! So I ended up getting a small fat free french vanilla cappuccino.. not bad it was only 2 pts for a 16 oz cup. I had a banana before I left and that was my breakfast. So in total, my breakfast was 2 points.  I also grabbed some pineapple for a snack for later.

Lunch: Today I went to Mr. Goodcents and I ordered a Penny Club with Pepper Jack cheese. 12 pts for a half sandwich, that's including the cheese. My husband was worried that he wouldn't get full so I decided to go to the store so we could load up on fruit from the salad bar. He was so excited that fruit is 0 pts that he wanted to jump up and down in excitement. He then found chocolate to dip the strawberries in. I passed, I wanted to save my points but he decided to have it (2 pts).

So here is a fun part.. after we left work we had a couple of errands to run. One was going to pick up my daughters girl scout cookies... I BOUGHT GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!! I only bought 4 boxes, this was back in November. So of course right after I left work I was hungry, then picking up the cookies only made it worse. So I rushed home and ate a banana (0 pts) and a tablespoon of peanut butter (3pts) that really helped settle those hunger pains.

We decided to go to Applebees for dinner ( I really need to cook at home) that was fun! I had to figure out how to pull up the nutritional information on my phone. Their under 550 menu only states the meals are under that calorie count but it does NOT give all the necessary information to figure out points. Then I figured they haven't updated their weight watchers menu to the new points system. I think it took about 15 mins to figure out what to have, even though at this point I had 35 points left to use, I still wanted to make a good decision.  I ordered the Grilled Dijon Chicken and Portobello (12 pts)... OH... MY... GOSH... it was wonderful! I also ordered a salad as a filler but I had them leave off the cheese and croutons but I kept the bacon, the amount they put on the salad did not have a point value. I had a small amount of Italian dressing, I don't know if it was low fat, I can't find it on Applebee's website so I just counted it as a regular Italian dressing and gave myself 2 pts.

After dinner my husband wanted something sweet, we stopped by McDonald's for a low-fat ice cream cone (4 ps). I believe these cones were only 2 pts with the last weight watcher program, but it was still very satisfying. I still have 17 pts at this point, so I pop 2 pieces of chocolate (2 pts) and I call it a night!

Another successful day on Weight Watchers!

Tomorrow should be interesting... stay tuned!

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