Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 12... Another Monday

Hello All! I'm still in great spirits.. I'm trying not to get on my scale everyday at home.. I have nicknamed it... Lucifer... it likes to play Jedi mind games on me but yet in still I come back daily for my turn on the wheel of weight!

This morning I had my kashi cereal and coffee (5 pts) ... breakfast of champions! I didn't really have a desire to snack so I skipped that for the morning. For lunch we went to Mr. Goodcents and I had a penny club with cheese (12 pts) and a bag of baked sour cream chips (4 pts) I washed that down with water. 

I have to tell you all about my interesting afternoon. Again, I didn't have a snack but a co-worker offered me some of his coffee that he brews. I accepted his offer and used my fat free creamer (1 pt) I felt like I was going a mile a min and having an out of body experience! I've been drugged!!! hahaha... I think it was a very potent brew but caffeine never affects me like that.

When I get home I'm pretty hungry so I decide to snack on a small PB&J I had one slice of bread. One side had 1 tbsp of peanut butter of the other 1 tbsp of reduced sugar jelly (5 pt) not a bad snack killed those hunger pains!

I run to the store after work and I'm there longer than I anticipate so we decide to order dinner out so the kids aren't eating too late. I pulled the Applebee's menu and start figuring points. I have it in my mind that I'm going to get one of the under 550 calorie meals because I know they are point friendly. My husband said, well how much would it be for a steak? For the 9oz sirloin it was only 8 pts... hey... he might be on to something here. He said, ok how much for fried red potatoes.. I'm expecting a large point value... 4 pts!!! I guess I'm having steak and potatoes for dinner.. hahaha with a side of broccoli of course :) I was very excited to eat something besides chicken and I love the steaks from Applebee's.. very fancy I know...LOL

For dessert we had a jello pudding cup.. nice chocolate fix at the end of the day!

Until tomorrow :)

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